Please feel free to contact us at 281-693-7126 or email at if you cannot find an answer to your question below.
In most circumstances, ADT can completely demolish a house, garage, foundation and driveway for less than it costs to install a brand new roof on that same building. Contact us today and we will provide you a free proposal or just select the Free Proposal button on the front page.
ADT Demolition Services offers complete building, pool and tank demolition. This includes homes, apartments, factories, restaurants, banks, commerical strip centers, malls, convenience stores, gas stations, hotels or motels. We have done just about every type of building so you can start with a clean lot for new construction or just reduce property taxes.
Select the Free Proposal button on the main page to see the most important questions in order to provide you a proposal. In most cases we can provide a proposal to you by the next business day without any meeting necessary. When we take in your details, we will not release your information to anyone or continue to send you spam. We understand the importance of a demolition and the impact it has to your property and the surrounding area neighbors. We will put forth our best effort to develop a comprehensive and competitive proposal that aligns with your project objectives and requirements.
In Texas, property taxes are assessed by the local county in which the property resides and is partially based upon the square footage of a building's living space and other factors. Demolishing the building and clearing the land will help reduce property taxes in most cases. And, clearing the lot makes it beautiful for selling. Our clients have told us they receive more offers after the property has been cleaned off.
ADT will make the lot safe for demolition by disconnecting and terminating utilities first. Once this process is complete with sewer, gas and power being terminated then it is inspected. Upon safety inspection and approval, a demolition permit is authorized. Then, the actual demolition, debris and foundation removal of a small house can be done in a couple of days. Larger industrial complexes may take one or two weeks. During the demolition, weather conditions, building footprint and access to the waste are going to govern the speed of execution. Landfills and dirt suppliers are closed when it rains for safety and may stay closed until it dries out. If needed, we can add resources, trucking, equipment and personnel to meet or exceed schedule. Contact us at 281-693-7126 and we'll be happy to review your site.
ADT works predominantly in the Houston metropolitan and surrounding areas. This includes all of Harris county but also Montgomery, Ft. Bend, Liberty and Chambers counties too. We have executed more than a thousand demolition permits with the city of Houston plus many of the enclaves, suburbs and villages like Heights, Garden Oaks, Bellaire, Hunters Creek, Spring Valley, Bunker Hill and all along Memorial just to name a few.
Unless otherwise specified we will leave you with a site completely free of concrete, asphalt, gravel, building waste and debris. We also remove trees deep below grade down to the root ball as specified in the demolition plan. We can remove driveways up to the property edge, utility easement or right of way. Please see our picture reel on the first page for some examples.
If new construction is to follow the demolition then we can include complete laser leveling and compaction to prep the site. We can deliver select fill dirt, select top soil, washed rock or sand/clay mixtures. We can provide high quality material fill, grading and compaction to meet or exceed your residential or commercial engineering specifications.
Regardless of the scale of the demolition project, our clients look to find a demolition company that has a proven track record with experience to expedite permitting, utility company interface, follow safe work practices and is environmentally responsible. We have an A+ rating with the BBB, adhere to BBB standards of excellence and do not price gouge clients. ADT showcases our expertise, honesty and professionalism in everything we do. Furthermore, ADT is committed to the budget and timeline in our proposals so clients can be comfortable pricing will not change once the project has begun. Weather permitting, we will work continuously to complete the job until it is 100 percent done.
If you need more resources or expertise to get the job done on time, just give us a call 281-693-7126, we're happy to answer any questions you have.
Yes, we have our own equipment and offer great hauling rates no matter what side of Houston you are on. Our prices fluctuate with the distance between the work site and the local landfill yet we remain very competitive. Call us today to learn more about our current rates.
Each demolition project varies by location, footprint of the building, utility disconnect, access to debris, preservation of existing plant life, neighboring structures or businesses, hauling of waste and preparation for new construction. ADT leverages its experience to fit each demolition project to these unique parameters to meet the most cost effective solution for you by right sizing the team, equipment and recycling vendors before execution.
All ADT proposals come with a finishing plan to meet the project specifications. All work will meet or exceed the finishing plan prior to final inspection. Please see our picture reel on the first page that includes examples of leveling, no leveling, compaction, tree root ball removal, grading, grading with fill dirt and above foundation only demolition.
If an owner of a public or commercial building (non-residential) will be disturbing any building materials during the course of demolition, the owner is required to have the materials surveyed for asbestos by an independent, third-party, licensed asbestos professional. An asbestos survey is required regardless of the age of the commercial building. Building owners are held responsible for complying with Texas SB-509 asbestos regulations that went into effect in 2002. In many cases, owners may have their contracted asbestos professional ensure that the requirements are met; however, the responsibility lies solely on the building owner. One exception to that rule can be found in the Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules, section 295.34. Further requirements are defined in Tiltle 25 TAC part 1, Chapter 296 and Occupations Code Chapter 1954. In addition, the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E regulate demolition. Furthermore, we can help answer your questions specific to the Houston area.
We're here to answer your questions and review the factors that are priced into the demolition. Many of our clients come to us by accident, fire or flood in which they have lost their greatest investment. We want to help get you back on track the best we can. Please call us so we can provide the most cost effective solution to meet your needs.
We're here to help! Just give us call 281-693-7126, we're happy to answer any questions you have.
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